If you are looking for an alcoholism or drug addiction treatment center, then you have come to the right place!
Charleston Recovery Center Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation that operates two residential alcoholism and drug addiction recovery communities, a sober living program, and a food bank. CRC provides intensive inpatient services for both men and women. We specialize in long-term residential inpatient treatment (90-360 days) and lifetime recovery programs. We are proud to enjoy one of the highest success rates anywhere.
If you need immediate help, call 843-718-2780. Or call Jett (Jennifer Pett) (Director / Intake) 843-922-1677. She can answer all your questions and guide you in.
We offer several programs to fill your needs. The Ashley Hope Recovery Community offers drug and alcohol addiction recovery and is located just outside Charleston, SC. 12-Step Alcoholic Anonymous meetings are held as well as intense 12-Step work and AM & PM devotions. Residents are taught how to work through the 12-steps and how to teach others how to recover. Nearby are several sober living homes for our commenced residents.
Many of our residents stay past their original commitment, electing to stay in the Charleston Recovery Center community to help newcomers while working or attending college. Some complete the program and join us as staff.
Again, if you are looking for an alcohol drug treatment center or an alcohol drug rehabilitation center, we offer more than that!
While you recover, enjoy frequent trips to Broadway shows, concerts, movies, gardens, petting zoos and many other fun activities that we plan for our residents at no additional cost. We like to teach that life in sobriety can be fun—and that we don’t need to be under the influence to have a great time!
Weekly visits from loved ones are permitted to encourage personal and family recovery, as we believe that the disease of addiction affects more than just the addict. It affects the whole family.
Historic Charleston, SC is one of the most interesting and beautiful cities in the world. Friends and family are welcome to visit our facilities and enjoy the area’s many attractions.